How long are you planning to stay?
In the physical theater piece „How Long Are You Planning to Stay?“ (2020/2021) migration experiences of six people from various contexts are presented by movement, dance and spoken word.
Irony, absurdity and exaggeration are elements of our performative expression. Life was brought on the stage as it is and the stories were told. Our stories. Each personal story was a collectively shared experience that deconstructs the hegemonic narrative of migration, exile and identity. This piece was dealing with the legacy and impacts of the Second World War, along with the continuities of fascism, borders being born in the war, ideas of “being at home”, memories of people and objects left behind, language as an instrument of suppression in the so-called “integration process”, as well as a tool of self-empowerment.
“These experiences should not remain invisible. Our piece shows the complexity of migrant identities from a self-empowering perspective, since the public space, which should also belong to us, is appropriated.”
Premiere: 11.09.2020. Odeon theater, Vienna. Opening of the WienWoche festival
Direction and screenplay:
Danilo Jovanović
Performers and content creators:
Jasmin Behnawa
Shahrzad Nazarpor
Flávia Mudesto
Rada Živadinović
Iva Marković
Uli Pilwax
Oluchukwu Akusinanwa
Iva Olo
Luiz Lima
Sound assistant:
Dijana Jurić
Production: WienWoche festival and Physical Theater Company “Side Effect”

09.09.2021. Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, Vienna.
Direction and screenplay:
Danilo Jovanović
Performers and content creators:
Noël Iglessias
Jasmin Behnawa
Shahrzad Nazarpour
Flávia Mudesto
Rada Živadinović
Iva Marković
Costume design:
Maurício Ianês
Iva Olo
Ali Taliei
Light design:
Flávia Mudesto and Danilo Jovanović
Sound design:
Flávia Mudesto
Sound assistance:
Yasemin Duru
Vitória Monteiro
Production: Physical Theater Company “Side Effect”
Revival performing event in Brotfabrik was supported by Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für gleichgeschlechtliche und transgender Lebensweisen